Sunday, March 17, 2013

Day 21! Final Day of Gratitude Project! On to Step 2...

I am definitely having more positive reactions to the daily trials and tribulations after this 21 day experiment.  My sister in law just posted something on FB that I thought I would share (I bought her Shawn Achor's book for Christmas).  College student Buddy Bravo has created this uplifting series called One Positive Thing. Everyday.  These are 5 super cool art deco type images about the little everyday things that you can appreciate in the moment and increase positivity in your daily life.  He says "I think simple optimism can go a long way...if you can do something positive to make yourself feel better, you can pass that on."  See all five of his images here:

1. My husband remembered my "hint" and booked us a dinner and b&b for our anniversary!

2.  I am connecting with so many friends through this 21 day gratitude project - I hope to continue.

3.  I am grateful that I found the time to get things posted in a timely manner, except forgot about my last day and didn't schedule the post.  Oh well, it's up now.

My Random Act - it's a secret, but let's just say my husband was happy!

Meditation - yep.

Relive a positive experience - The past 21 days have been great and I hope to continue to be more in the moment.

Exercise....I walked the dog this am for about 20 minutes

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day day to go

1. I am probably jinxing myself, but no calls from our tenants for a few weeks!  I could write a whole blog on some of the stories of our "reluctant landlord" stories!

2. New ways to connect with the kids, Instagram...

3. My hubby who helps with dishes and laundry (and makes the bed every day)!

My Random Act - more outreaches to friends

Meditation - not today

Relive a positive experience - my dad's enthusiasm for the scuba diving to come with my son.

Exercise....I walked the dog this am for about 20 minutes

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day 19...yes, it's Saturday!

1. Taking care of adorable puppies, glad my friend trusts me with them!  Extra grateful that my daughter likes to come with me so we get some fun time together.

2. Time to read a magazine and drink a chai tea latte while the girls shopped at the mall.

3. Have to say it, the beautiful spring-ish day! 

My Random Act - catching up with a friend on her birthday

Meditation - yes

Relive a positive experience - My stay at the Henderson Park Inn with my husband, no kids, and bushwackers poolside for happy hour!

Exercise....I walked the dog this am for about 20 minutes

Friday, March 8, 2013

Day 18...Isn't it Saturday?!

I was so impressed with Shawn Achor's TED talk, I bought my husband his book as a Christmas gift.  Looks like he's closing in on the end of the book.  I am anxious to see what nugget of inspiration he will draw into his daily life....I am glad to be closing in on the end of this 21 days, and hopeful that I will notice and appreciate the positives in my daily life and have a more optimistic outlook.

1. the random YouTube video of Nana dancing - so funny and brightened my spirits after having woken up thinking it was already the weekend and I actually had to go to work afterall!

2. Going to the middle school play with my daughter!

3.  Getting SO much accomplished today at work.

My Random Act - very nice conversation with a client today.

Meditation - yep, just a few minutes seems to work for me.

Relive a positive experience - My son today offering me some of his birthday popcorn (it was a specialty brand with chocolate and caramel - he knows I am a popcorn monster)!

Exercise....I walked the dog this am for about 20 minutes - quickly because it was freezing!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Day 17 Winter Storm Saturn!

I need to stop weighing myself everyday!  It drives me crazy but I can't help it.  I am going to start planning my work out schedule which will start up after my 21st day on this blog...

1. the winter storm turned out to be a bust in our area - I am very grateful for that - ready for spring.

2. fun family celebration of my son's birthday.

3. my company in the bathroom almost every morning - the cat - she makes me smile - although with spring coming, she will be totally distracted by the birds on the tree outside her favorite window.

My Random Act - Pleasant banter with the restaurant staff.

Meditation - deep breathing for a few minutes to clear my mind before bed.

Relive a positive experience - One of my first scuba dives after I was certified was on my honeymoon, part of which was in Hawaii.  The depth was 100 ft, a small plane rests on the bottom, we saw a HUGE manta ray - visibility was awesome - wish I was there.

Exercise....I walked the dog this am for about 20 minutes - the storm has not yet hit Philly so just a little wind and rain...we'll see what tomorrow brings!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Day 16...I feel good but it's freezing outside and I hate cold weather

1. I am grateful that there is an intern at the office to help with some of the backlogged projects!

2.  Very grateful that the new place we tried for our staff meeting lunch wasn't terrible!

3.  The new email broadcast system I am starting to use is working pretty well so far.

My Random Act - Donated a bunch of towels/blankets to the local vet for their kennel.

Meditation - deep breathing - wish I had more than the few minutes, I can really feel the positive results from taking the time to meditate.

Relive a positive experience - warm sunny day at my parent's home next to the pool, kids splashing in background...wish I was there now!

Exercise....I walked the dog this am for about 20 minutes

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day 15 another crazy start to the week!

1. That my dad is taking my son on a dive trip over spring break - they will have such a great time.

2. Everyone liked the new recipe I tried out on them tonight, tex mex beef and rice casserole from the Kraft web site.

3. Got more done than I thought I would at work today, hoping for a really productive week!

My Random Act - a reach out to a friend on facebook!

Meditation - a few minutes of deep breathing

Relive a positive experience - remembering the weekend away I had with my sister many years ago (8 or 9) - I can't believe that's the last time we have gone somewhere without the families!

Exercise....I walked the dog this am for about 20 minutes

Monday, March 4, 2013

Day 14...grateful for my job!

Wow, one more week to go!  I am so glad I am sticking to this experiment, this will seem like the easy part when I start "Step Two" of my plan to enhance the positivity and relationships in my life.  What is Step Two?  That's where I start really using exercise to help get me to this goal.  I am disappointed that I have not made myself more accountable for exercise during this first 21 days.  My lack of motivation I think comes from my mindset, so I am trying not to be too hard on myself and take one step at a time.  "That last ten pounds" is the weight that is on my mind right now.

1. Taking care of puppies this weekend - love any opportunity to spend time with other people's puppies! 

2. I am grateful that my kids are both crazy about animals, just like me! 

3. For my job, just saw that the other company I interviewed with is out of business...maybe I could have made a difference for them but I know it would have been really difficult times.  Love the job I have.

My Random Act - A long catch up letter sent to a good friend today.

Meditation - deep breathing

Relive a positive experience - finally landing the job I am in was a long haul, but worth it in the end.  So glad I was patient. 

Exercise....I walked the dog this am for about 20 minutes plus and extra 15 in the afternoon!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Day 13

1. Being able to spend time alone with my daughter today

2. Having all the donation items to mail fit in the one box that I picked out - the first time!

3. Having no negative consequences today from letting my son have a little unsupervised freedom away from the house

My Random Act - I'll have to be more mindful about this the next week, but I did have a nice banter with the kid who rang up my purchases

Meditation - not today

Relive a positive experience - I participate in a grocery store feedback community and seeing results from that time I spend is very uplifting.  It may be a little thing, but when I saw signs in the parking lot to remind people to bring their reusable bags in with them, I couldn't believe it.  Not that I think I can take credit for that all on my own, but I did preach about it in several surveys!

Exercise....I walked the dog this am for about 20 minutes as usual! 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Day 12.. just another day of gratitudes

Short and sweet today:

1. my parent's health and ability to live independently and that they continue to enjoy life;

2. lunch with a friend once in a while
3.  getting through a whole week of no drama with the kids!

My Random Act - complimented the necklace of the bank teller today

Meditation - deep breathing again, kitten not far away

Relive a positive experience - lunch with a friend and catching up after several months of working too hard!

Exercise....I walked the dog this am for about 20 minutes

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day 11...busy work week!

Today's gratitudes - a bit brief because I have worked my tail off this week so far and it's catching up to me.  But I feel like I have a good positive attitude and outlook on things despite the craziness!

1. People willing to take old books that my daughter doesn't need any longer.  I am grateful that she is able to let go and take pleasure in the knowledge that many children in those schools will enjoy reading them.

2.  My flexible work schedule.

3. My son's responsive teachers - they have been so helpful with his course selection choices and what they feel is best for him for next year.  Yes, it's February and they are already starting to work on the fall schedule!

My Random Act - sent birthday wishes to a friend - not so random, but I remembered!

Meditation - just a few deep breaths before starting my day at work.

Relive a positive experience - Walking my dog gives me great pleasure every morning, but on days when the sky is a brilliant blue and it's early enough that we are the only ones outside, I just seep happiness!

Exercise....I walked the dog this am for about 20 minutes

Day 10 of 21 Days of Gratitudes

 It's Day 10 of 21 and I feel like I have been "diarying" forever!  I want to complete this task as I feel like I am perpetually starting projects and never finishing them. 

So here's what I am grateful for today...and the reason this is posted late is that I forgot to set the scheduling (I am defnitely a newbie blogger)!

1. Work is so busy, so I am never bored, and it equals job security as well!

2. My cat serenading me with her quiet meows so I come over to see her.

3. My children behaving when I work late.

My Random Act - taking time to let a far away friend know I was thinking of her

Meditation - yikes, no I didn't do again.

Relive a positive experience - I was thinking about the Mediterranean Sea - I lived in Tunis, Tunisia for a few years when I was in elementary school.  My most vivid memories are those of camping on the beach with my family and friends.  We had a lot of freedom to roam around unattended and it always felt like I was in a remote location, miles away, when in actuality, my mom probably could see me the whole time. 

Exercise....I walked the dog this am for about 20 minutes (again)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day 9 - "The Program"

I participate in a program through our health insurance company that rebates some of our premiums paid if we participate in various programs they offer such as stress management, weight control, there's even an exercise tracker!  There is coaching offered through this company where you will talk to someone once or twice a month to get a program in place.  I didn't feel like I was ready to commit to getting some extra support but I feel more ready now.  It's not like I have had 9 days of perfection, but I just feel like my outlook is so much more positive.  I am going to stick this 21 days out before starting any new "programs"  - my goal is to get to a place where I am self confident enough to start exercising, and lose that last 10 pounds, have more passion and love for life.  Did I mention - get more organized?!  I hope you are inspired to diary your gratitudes for 21 days and see what you start feeling that you can take on!

1.  Dog's teeth are sparkling clean after an appointment with the vet - I am hopeful that his stinky breath will get better and my daughter and I are committed to brushing his teeth everyday to keep his teeth and gums healthy (and hopefully more fresh breath in months to come)!

2. My husband, haven't mentioned him much yet.  He works hard to be a good dad, husband, role model and provider.

3. an act of nature, a huge flock of birds flying around together over my head during the dog walk - it's amazing that they don't ever crash into one another - and that I did not get any droppings on my head!

My Random Act - if I am being honest here, I wasn't mean or nasty to anyone today, thought I had something random to share....maybe not.  How about that I didn't take out my frustration of dealing with the copier lease on the copier sales person who is now involved?! 

Meditation - a few moments of deep breathing

Relive a positive experience -   Another kiss from my son, with no hidden agenda, just because! Or is it his birthday coming up in a couple of weeks?!

Exercise....I walked the dog this am for about 20 minutes

Monday, February 25, 2013

Day 8 - Mellow...

Today was a really mellow day, I wasn't too focused on gratitudes so I had to think a bit more than usual and reflect on the day.

1. I am happy that I spent less than $100 at Costco - and that was with two family members in tow!  So I guess I am grateful I had some restraint today, not trying to overshop and overstuff my frig.

2. I am grateful that we don't have to worry about selling our house, at least in the short term.

3. Grateful for a raise that is coming my way in my next paycheck.

My Random Act - some FB cheer for a friend who needed a boost.

Meditation - Did a couple of minutes of deep breathing this afternoon

Relive a positive experience - snuggling on the couch tonight between my two kids!

Exercise....I walked the dog this am for about 20 minutes..I know, again?!  Lucky Dog!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 7 A rainy day - a great day for organizing

Rainy days make me think of all the indoor projects I want to accomplish, mainly sorting through old things I can't seem to let go of, my children's items they have outgrown (they are at the age where I am more of a drill sargent directing recruits), and downsizing the clutter in general that we all accumulate in life.  I follow some of the practices of Fly Lady who has an effective declutter/cleaning program.  It's all about routines and I have them in place to a certain extent, but the chaos of daily life or lack of motivation sometimes gets in the way!

1. The rain today will mean healthier plants and grass out in my yard and less work for me in the spring!

2. Rain forcing me inside to work on my organizing projects

3. The free time to also read a magazine!

My Random Act - I sent my parents a note telling them I love them - not so random but let them know I was thinking of them.

Meditation - did not do today, but did relax for a few minutes with a magazine!

Relive a positive experience -  a night out at a fundraiser -

Exercise....I walked the dog this am for about 20 minutes

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Day 6 of 21 days of gratitudes

Well, the crock pot beef roast did not turn out as well as I thought, it was tougher and not "fall apart as you take it out" as promised by the recipe...

Today I am grateful for:

1. Quiet catch up day at the office

2. My son noticing the beautiful sunrise this morning, and pointing it out to me! 

3. The beautiful sunrise - sky was all shades of pink, orange, with puffy clouds - I should have taken a picture!

My Random Act -  Made cookies for Mother Son bingo night, gave the extras to the ladies in the school office (and even put a surprise cookie in each of the lunches I made today for my family)!

Meditation - a few minutes of deep breathes

Relive a positive experience -  the immediate smiles and reaction of the office ladies when I brought them cookies too!

Exercise....I walked the dog this am for about 20 minutes

Friday, February 22, 2013

Day Five ...Progress And A Book to Share

Taking care of my state of mind has been eye opening for me this week so far.  I am feeling more motivated to do things around the house and even getting on the exercise bandwagon...I wonder if anyone reading this will have the same reaction.  Maybe motivation for exercise is just around the corner for me!

Self help books are so abundant, you can find one for any situation.  Without sounding too cliche, I feel like you have to love yourself before you can make progress on any other problems you are having, whether it be personal relationships, raising children, lack of passion for life or sex, or even losing that last 10 pounds....

I am currently reading "The Kosher Sutra: Eight Sacred Secrets for Reigniting Desire and Restoring Passion for Life" by Shmuley Boteach - click here to go to Amazon to read more: Kosher Sutra  - I am only into the first few chapters and feel like he is talking directly to me as if he is using my family as his example! (I am not Jewish and don't feel you need to be to get a lot out of this book).

1. Clean Carpets!  Oh, I said I wasn't going to say the same thing, didn't I?! 

2. Everyone off to school and work on time and in good moods!

3. Dinner in the crock pot for tonight - beef roast

My Random Act -  not so random maybe - making cookies for the school for an event I won't be attending but they needed volunteers!  Trying to support those moms who are in charge of gathering support!

Meditation -  a few deep breaths at the computer after work really helped focus

Relive a positive experience - Noticing a sign in the grocery store parking lot cart area reminding people to bring in their reusable bags!  Not sure I can take credit for this, but I do participate in a community customer service program for this grocery store company where I take surveys for them at least once a week about various topics.  This one was one of the main topics recently and I was one of the participants who suggested this would be a good way to get people to remember to use their reuseable bags!

Exercise....Doggy walk this am for about 20 minutes - another cold brisk walk!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day Four - Clean Carpets - a happy day!

It's only DAY FOUR and I feel like I have been in a better mood overall despite some of the crazy things going on.  Even when I have felt grumpy of

1. Clean Carpets!

2. Taking a day off work and being productive around the house and scheduling all those appointments I forget to do when I am at work.

3. Being able to plan and cook a dinner that everyone will enjoy for tonight (since I am home today).

My Random Act - Not so random, another note in my husband's lunch - he didn't see yesterday's note! 

Meditation - clearing my head was surprisingly easy with the whirring motor of the carpet cleaner in the background

Relive a positive experience - a good laugh at the office yesterday during a 401(k) presentation of all things! 

Exercise....I walked the dog this am for about 20 minutes, colder and a little snow showers blowing around, and I wore my lighter jacket thinking it was warm - brrrrr.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Day Three

1.  Kids behaved while home alone today!

2.  Daughter had already blocked a shady person on her social media site when I spoke to her about my concerns - she's got a good head on her shoulders.

3.  Husband smiling as he recounted his geeky reaction to the technical webinar that he attended with co-workers.

My Random Act - a secret note in my husband's lunch to let him know I love him

Meditation - again, did not do....

Relive a positive experience - dinner out with my kids when they finally started chatting with me a little!

Exercise....I walked the dog this am for about 20 minutes, good pace and slightly warmer weather!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day Two - A pretty good day

1.  The phones at work were super quiet therefore, I was super productive on a project!

2. No snow here today :)

3. I was grateful that the call I was expecting this morning came right on time as promised and delivered reasonably good news...

My Random Act - A call I took today was for our sister office in another town, I was super nice to the client and I think we both got off the phone smiling.

Meditation - did not do today

Relive a positive experience - my morning commute, so nice and uneventful today - put me in a good mood to start the day.

Exercise....I walked the dog this am for about 20 minutes and once again, it was freezing so it was a quick one! 

Monday, February 18, 2013

Day One

This first entry will likely be the easiest one to write as I don't want to list the same three things everyday, nor should I!

1. I was thankful for the blue sky today after so many cloudy days - and even better, the first post I read on facebook was a friend expressing the same gratitude. 

2. I am extremely thankful everyday for my warm fuzzy cat - not a lap cat, but at night when she thinks I am asleep she jumps up on the bed to snuggle nearby - she also puts up with multiple interruptions to her nap schedule on a daily basis from all the love we bestow on her.  She doesn't have a mean or nasty bone in her body.

3. I am thankful I was able to see my child play field hockey today - she's a force on the field!

My Random Act - a small one, but a wish to a friend via fb to have a great day -

Meditation - I had a raging headache this afternoon (I need to drink more water), so my meditation turned into a little doze time too! Nothing wrong with that.

Relive a positive experience - my son coming to kiss me on the cheek and sweetly tell me he's lost his retainer - arrgh!  The positive part of this story was definitely his attempt to deliver the news so nicely!

Exercise....ok, so I walked the dog this am for about 20 minutes and we walked pretty fast because it was cold this am!  Does that count?!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Step One. An attitude recharge

In my experience, when it comes to being happy/having a positive attitude, losing weight, raising kids, and enjoying marriage, my state of mind plays the biggest role in how things are working out for me.  Let's start together with step one, a plan to recharge our attitude.  I watched a TED video on YouTube not too long ago,, I was inspired.  Shawn Achor shares how to have more positiveness in your personal and professional life.  Please take the time to listen, he's an entertaining and interesting speaker and gave me tools to recharge my attitude which I believe is the first step towards my goals - which are lofty and necessary and not unachievable!

Here is the last part of Shawn's talk in case you are pressed for time and can't watch the TED talk right now: In just a two-minute span of time done for 21 days in a row,we can actually rewire your brain, allowing your brain to actually work more optimistically and more successfully.We've done these things in research now in every single company that I've worked with, getting them to write down three new things that they're grateful for for 21 days in a row, three new things each day. And at the end of that,their brain starts to retain a pattern of scanning the world, not for the negative, but for the positive first.

Journaling about one positive experience you've had over the past 24 hours allows your brain to relive it. Exercise teaches your brain that your behavior matters.We find that meditation allows your brain to get over the cultural ADHD that we've been creating by trying to do multiple tasks at once and allows our brains to focus on the task at hand. And finally, random acts of kindness are conscious acts of kindness. We get people, when they open up their inbox, to write one positive email praising or thanking somebody in their social support network.

And by doing these activities and by training your brain just like we train our bodies,what we've found is we can reverse the formula for happiness and success,and in doing so, not only create ripples of positivity,but create a real revolution.

So starting tomorrow and for 21 days in a row, I will post my 3 daily gratitudes, journal a positive experience, and perform one random act of kindness.  I'll also post my exercise successes and attempts at meditation!  It sounds like a lot to add to my already crazy busy day. In reality, it shouldn't take more than an hour a day, if I include exercising - and I think it's worth it.  Join me by posting yours on my blog. 

If you are just discovering this blog, welcome and I hope that you too start the 21 day first steps with me.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Is it really just about that last 10 pounds?

I've been making excuses for that last ten pounds for almost 12 years now.  It's time to lose it, maybe we can do it together.  But I realize now it's not all about weight, it's about other things too, raising kids (tweens and teenagers in my case), being happy in general, passionate and secure in your marriage,  working, and on the horizon - approaching menopause and eventually empty nest. I am hoping to inspire others and maybe understand myself a little better in the process.  Join my journey....