Sunday, March 17, 2013

Day 21! Final Day of Gratitude Project! On to Step 2...

I am definitely having more positive reactions to the daily trials and tribulations after this 21 day experiment.  My sister in law just posted something on FB that I thought I would share (I bought her Shawn Achor's book for Christmas).  College student Buddy Bravo has created this uplifting series called One Positive Thing. Everyday.  These are 5 super cool art deco type images about the little everyday things that you can appreciate in the moment and increase positivity in your daily life.  He says "I think simple optimism can go a long way...if you can do something positive to make yourself feel better, you can pass that on."  See all five of his images here:

1. My husband remembered my "hint" and booked us a dinner and b&b for our anniversary!

2.  I am connecting with so many friends through this 21 day gratitude project - I hope to continue.

3.  I am grateful that I found the time to get things posted in a timely manner, except forgot about my last day and didn't schedule the post.  Oh well, it's up now.

My Random Act - it's a secret, but let's just say my husband was happy!

Meditation - yep.

Relive a positive experience - The past 21 days have been great and I hope to continue to be more in the moment.

Exercise....I walked the dog this am for about 20 minutes

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day day to go

1. I am probably jinxing myself, but no calls from our tenants for a few weeks!  I could write a whole blog on some of the stories of our "reluctant landlord" stories!

2. New ways to connect with the kids, Instagram...

3. My hubby who helps with dishes and laundry (and makes the bed every day)!

My Random Act - more outreaches to friends

Meditation - not today

Relive a positive experience - my dad's enthusiasm for the scuba diving to come with my son.

Exercise....I walked the dog this am for about 20 minutes

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day 19...yes, it's Saturday!

1. Taking care of adorable puppies, glad my friend trusts me with them!  Extra grateful that my daughter likes to come with me so we get some fun time together.

2. Time to read a magazine and drink a chai tea latte while the girls shopped at the mall.

3. Have to say it, the beautiful spring-ish day! 

My Random Act - catching up with a friend on her birthday

Meditation - yes

Relive a positive experience - My stay at the Henderson Park Inn with my husband, no kids, and bushwackers poolside for happy hour!

Exercise....I walked the dog this am for about 20 minutes

Friday, March 8, 2013

Day 18...Isn't it Saturday?!

I was so impressed with Shawn Achor's TED talk, I bought my husband his book as a Christmas gift.  Looks like he's closing in on the end of the book.  I am anxious to see what nugget of inspiration he will draw into his daily life....I am glad to be closing in on the end of this 21 days, and hopeful that I will notice and appreciate the positives in my daily life and have a more optimistic outlook.

1. the random YouTube video of Nana dancing - so funny and brightened my spirits after having woken up thinking it was already the weekend and I actually had to go to work afterall!

2. Going to the middle school play with my daughter!

3.  Getting SO much accomplished today at work.

My Random Act - very nice conversation with a client today.

Meditation - yep, just a few minutes seems to work for me.

Relive a positive experience - My son today offering me some of his birthday popcorn (it was a specialty brand with chocolate and caramel - he knows I am a popcorn monster)!

Exercise....I walked the dog this am for about 20 minutes - quickly because it was freezing!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Day 17 Winter Storm Saturn!

I need to stop weighing myself everyday!  It drives me crazy but I can't help it.  I am going to start planning my work out schedule which will start up after my 21st day on this blog...

1. the winter storm turned out to be a bust in our area - I am very grateful for that - ready for spring.

2. fun family celebration of my son's birthday.

3. my company in the bathroom almost every morning - the cat - she makes me smile - although with spring coming, she will be totally distracted by the birds on the tree outside her favorite window.

My Random Act - Pleasant banter with the restaurant staff.

Meditation - deep breathing for a few minutes to clear my mind before bed.

Relive a positive experience - One of my first scuba dives after I was certified was on my honeymoon, part of which was in Hawaii.  The depth was 100 ft, a small plane rests on the bottom, we saw a HUGE manta ray - visibility was awesome - wish I was there.

Exercise....I walked the dog this am for about 20 minutes - the storm has not yet hit Philly so just a little wind and rain...we'll see what tomorrow brings!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Day 16...I feel good but it's freezing outside and I hate cold weather

1. I am grateful that there is an intern at the office to help with some of the backlogged projects!

2.  Very grateful that the new place we tried for our staff meeting lunch wasn't terrible!

3.  The new email broadcast system I am starting to use is working pretty well so far.

My Random Act - Donated a bunch of towels/blankets to the local vet for their kennel.

Meditation - deep breathing - wish I had more than the few minutes, I can really feel the positive results from taking the time to meditate.

Relive a positive experience - warm sunny day at my parent's home next to the pool, kids splashing in background...wish I was there now!

Exercise....I walked the dog this am for about 20 minutes

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day 15 another crazy start to the week!

1. That my dad is taking my son on a dive trip over spring break - they will have such a great time.

2. Everyone liked the new recipe I tried out on them tonight, tex mex beef and rice casserole from the Kraft web site.

3. Got more done than I thought I would at work today, hoping for a really productive week!

My Random Act - a reach out to a friend on facebook!

Meditation - a few minutes of deep breathing

Relive a positive experience - remembering the weekend away I had with my sister many years ago (8 or 9) - I can't believe that's the last time we have gone somewhere without the families!

Exercise....I walked the dog this am for about 20 minutes